Innovation in stainless steel
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SKID CIP mobile, mounted on stainless steel structure with casters, which allows the movement of the assembly to various points of the factory. It consists of two tanks, one with thermal insulation, which allows to operate with solutions at a temperature of up to 90°C. It is equipped with in-line electrical resistances, which enables the heating of water or CIP solution. The chemical dosage and concentration of the solution is done fully automatically through diaphragm pump and electrical conductivity meter. All SKID valves have pneumatic actuator and are actuated and controlled through an electrical panel equipped with PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) and HMI (Human Machine Interface). In this way it is possible to operate the SKID automatically, through pre-registered recipes, minimizing setup time, facilitating operation and increasing system efficiency. It has a shipping line and a CIP product return line. The return line has electrical conductivity meter that allows the automatic disposal or recovery of solution.
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A history forged by the union between innovation and tradition allowed us to conquer more and more space in the market since 1985